Our Technology Expertise
Web Technologies
Trust us to provide stunning web-based solutions to enhance your company’s brand image and create a niche for your unique product/solution in the market through a host of versatile programming and scripting languages.
Python -
Django -
Flask -
Ruby -
Ruby on Rails -
JavaScript -
Go -
Node JS -
Frappe -
Cloud Technologies
Experts in building, managing and supporting Dedicated and virtual private clouds as per your organisational needs. Ease your IT operations with our dedicated team of certified cloud solutions architects and engineers.
Veeam -
Crowdstrike -
vmware -
Google cloud -
Mobile Technologies
Our technology stack of programming languages is suitable for all major operating systems to deploy your apps across smartphones and other handheld devices and enhance your brand’s credibility and significantly increase outreach.
Swift -
Kotlin -
Flutter -
Enterprise Resource Planning
Customised ERP services at Nuventure help you realise your true potential and efficiency through state-of-the-art ERP software development services that integrate different business verticals into one single unified platform working cohesively.
ERPNext -
Content Management Systems & E-Commerce
Benefit from our expertise in CMS to smartly manage your website’s infrastructure to deliver striking, relevant, and delightful content to generate higher traffic, increased revenues, and a more interactive presence across the E-Commerce space.
WordPress -
Jekyll -
Shopify -
Cloud and DevOps
Streamline your software development process and fast-track your innovations with Nuventure’s advanced Cloud and DevOps services. We partner with the biggest names in cloud storage to help you scale operations seamlessly while ensuring data safety and on-time backup.
Azure -
Google Cloud -
OnApp -
Digital Ocean -
Docker -
Kubernetes -
Gitlab CI -
GitHub Actions -
Jenkins -
Capistrano -
Fastlane -
Ansible -
UI / UX Design
Transform your innovative ideas into tangible products/solutions with our state-of-the-art UI/UX design and development philosophy that helps you create responsive, interactive, and spectacular visual experiences for web and mobile applications.
Photoshop -
Illustrator -
XD -
Invision -
Sketch -
IoT Technologies
Leverage our inherent expertise and prowess in building cutting-edge IoT solutions across a wide range of applications such as hardware, embedded firmware, backend software, along with web operations and mobile apps.
Node Red -
Balena -
Things Board -
Modbus -
LoRa WAN -
Azure IoT Hub -
Google Cloud IoT Core -
AWS IoT Core -
Serverless Technology
Increase the agility across your entire application stack by employing our serverless strategy that helps improve functional agility and optimise costs through automatic scaling and better resource utilisation without worrying about servers.
Google Functions -
Firebase -
AWS Lambda -
Azure Functions
Voice and Automation
Nuventure specialises in offering high-end IoT-enabled voice authentication automation systems with user-friendly interfaces that help you enhance your living experience while ensuring safety and convenience through a unified connected mechanism that works flawlessly.
Alexa -
Siri -
Google Home