As universities and schools have shifted to online lessons, there has been a search for tools that can be used easily by both students and teachers. Most educational institutions (and business enterprises) seems to have chosen Zoom for holding lessons, leading to its sudden popularity. But questions have been raised about its security as well […]
Ethical dilemmas of modern day tech: Part two
I am not a big fan of dystopian novels( they almost always make me very angry). But I’ve always been impressed by the way they present historical events and draw parallels with current events. It’s like, the only kind of poetry I have been able to understand. Another common feature of these books, particularly of […]
Ethical dilemmas of modern day tech: Part one
As ventures for profit, it is hard to guess how companies can be made to hold ethical standards. As technology moves at a rapid pace, it is hard to form a legal framework that ensures rights to the end-users. Companies with huge resources backing them are often able to find legal loopholes and find ways […]
Nuventure Connect Praised by Recent Clients
Here at Nuventure Connect, we operate at the intersection of cutting-edge technologies and sleek designs. We understand and specialize in developing and creating websites and applications with a great user interface and design. Design is one of the most important parts of building a mobile application, as Burcu Kırık Kutluay said recently while emphasizing how […]
What can we expect to see in smartphones this decade
These past few years, smartphones have improved radically compared to the first iPhone. Many more players have entered the smartphone market increasing competition and bringing down the prices. When I got my first smartphone (Redmi Note 4G), it was one of the few smartphones that were available at a price affordable to many. It had […]