WORD OF THE DAY SPLATTER /ˈsplætə(r)/ Meaning: Verb Splash with a liquid, typically a thick or viscous one. Splash (a liquid) over a surface or object. (INFORMAL) Prominently or sensationally publish (a story) in a newspaper. Noun A spot or trail of a thick or viscous liquid splashed over a surface or object. (INFORMAL) Denoting […]
Using Hstore in Rails 4 with PostgreSQL
Hstore basically gives you a schema-less data store in your PostgreSQL DB. This allows you to store the Hash in a Database column. If you want to query Model records, it is very difficult if you use Serialize to store dynamic attributes. Hstore acts same as Serialize but we can additionally query the model records using […]
Word Of The Day-7/10/14
WORD OF THE DAY EPHEMERAL(Adjective) /ɪˈfemərəl/ Meaning: Lasting for a very short time. Usage: Chickweed is an ephemeral weed, producing several generations in one season. There can be no doubt that this experience is entirely abstract and ephemeral. Adhering to a diet often proves a tough task with only ephemeral results. The writer aims to […]
Vim Bootstrap – generate .vimrc for your favorite programming language
Programmers in the current era like to work using IDEs because it is more user friendly. But there are reasonable number of programmers who still use command line for programming. Their favourite editor might be Vim. Vim is easy to use, light-weight and comes with almost every Unix distribution. Unlike IDEs, it does not hang […]
Word Of The Day – 6/10/14
WORD OF THE DAY USURP(Verb) /jʊˈzəːp, jʊˈsəːp/ Meaning: To seize and hold (a position, office, power, etc.) by force or without legal right. To take over or occupy without right. To take the place of (another) without legal authority; supplant. Usage: Some people have accused city council members of trying to usurp the mayor’s power. […]