Word Of The Day-3/9/14

WORD OF THE DAY   CATASTROPHE(Noun) Meaning: A sudden and widespread disaster. Any misfortune, mishap or failure;fiasco. A final event or conclusion, usually an unfortunate one; a disastrous end. Usage: The oil spill was an environmental catastrophe. The play was so poor our whole evening was a catastrophe. The tax would be a catastrophe for […]

Word Of The Day-2/9/14

WORD OF THE DAY HOAX(Noun) Meaning: An act that is meant to trick or deceive people. Something that has been established or accepted by fraudulent means. Usage: The bomb threat is probably a hoax, but we should still evacuate the building. She was the victim of a cruel hoax. But no accident was discovered and […]

Word Of The Day-1/9/14

WORD OF THE DAY   PROCRASTINATE(Verb) Meaning: To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness. To postpone or delay needlessly. Usage: He procrastinated and missed the submission deadline. He did not want to write the letter and procrastinated for days. Most often we procrastinate when faced with something we do not […]

Word Of The Day – 28/8/14

WORD OF THE DAY MESMERIZE(verb) Line breaks: mes¦mer|ize Meaning: Capture the complete attention of (someone). To hypnotize. To interest or amaze (someone) so much that nothing else is seen or noticed. Usage: They were mesmerized by his story. He could mesmerize an audience by the sheer force of his presence. They had deep sea blue […]

Word Of The Day-27/8/14

WORD OF THE DAY AGILE(Adjective) Meaning: Able to move quickly and easily. Mentally quick or alert. Usage: He did not seem to be that agile as he moved around stage. Leopards are very fast and agile. The right software can make any size company more efficient, more agile, more responsive.  IDIOM/PHRASE OF THE DAY FEEL […]

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