Typography plays a huge role in making designs appealing and legible to users. Whether it be a website or a graphic illustration or a newspaper advertisement, good typography can make the audience fall for your brand, and bad typography can make them develop a negative feeling towards it. Typography is the arrangement of letters and […]
Top 3 applications of AI in healthcare
With the AI revolution that is happening now, it is no surprise that it has made its way into healthcare. And because of the abundance of data available, and the necessity to make good decisions, I believe AI will have a huge impact on healthcare, if not now, definitely in the future. Let’s have a […]
Top Applications of IoT in healthcare
AI and IoT are two new technologies that are driving each other and making their way into more and more fields. AI became mainstream in the form of simple chatbots and voice assistants, but now it has made their way into almost all tasks every task otherwise performed by humans, from driving to farming to […]
Thriving 5 months of remote work
Last month we crossed the 100-day mark on our work from home scenario. We sent all of our employees to their homes way before the government-mandated lockdown, ensuring a smooth transition to going fully remote. This also made it possible for them to take their hardware home, some of which were bulky. As the pandemic […]
Advanced Git and Git tips
Git is a popular version control tool used by developers all over the world. Created by Linus Torvalds in 2005, it plays a huge role in coordinating work between different developers on a project. While most developers are familiar with using Git, here I’ve compiled some of the tips and tricks with Git that has […]