So we’re now in 2020, and huge disappointment – no flying cars. But we almost have the next best thing – driverless cars. Or so they say. Every car company with a good marketing team or a crazy fan base (you know who I’m talking about) have been claiming they’ll be rolling out fully autonomous […]
Cybernetics: what we have now and what we can expect…
Almost everyone who has seen the Iron man movies must have imagined themselves flying in a powered suit/ exoskeleton. While an actual Iron Man suit(with an arc reactor and flying capabilities) is still far away, exoskeletons that allow people to carry out difficult tasks easily are already in use. This is brought about by the […]
Fighting COVID 19 with AI
As WHO declared the coronavirus a global pandemic, and as the US, Italy, and Spain suffering from high mortality rates, almost one-third of the population on the planet is under lockdown. Reports of even animals getting affected by the virus are coming up. Meanwhile, a couple of firms around the world is using their IT […]
Has our AI systems already passed the Turing Test?
Anyone who has read anything about AI would have probably heard of the Turing Test. It’s a test devised by the mathematician and cryptographer Alan Turing who is often credited with pioneering the idea of artificial intelligence. The purpose of the test was to determine if a machine was intelligent or not. What is the […]
Python 2: The End Of An Era
When the clock struck 12 on January 1st, 2020, along with the end of the year came the end of Python 2, marked on the Python clock. With the retirement of Python 2.7, it denotes the end of a bygone era. And what does this end denotes? The Python team will not upgrade or provide […]