In 1965 CEO and Co-Founder of Intel claimed that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit will double every two years and that the cost will be halved. And since 1975, that projection has held true. To quote an example I’ve read some time ago, if automobile technology has grown like that, a Rolls […]
Impact of 5G
What is 5G For the past couple of years, there have been talks of faster mobile internet through 5G technology. Now 5G is being deployed in many areas across the world, and smartphone manufacturers have started releasing phones with 5G. In the next few years or less, we may be able to download full HD […]
Ethical dilemmas of modern day tech: Part one
As ventures for profit, it is hard to guess how companies can be made to hold ethical standards. As technology moves at a rapid pace, it is hard to form a legal framework that ensures rights to the end-users. Companies with huge resources backing them are often able to find legal loopholes and find ways […]
Yeah, we’re in the future. We have driverless cars. (I guess?)
So we’re now in 2020, and huge disappointment – no flying cars. But we almost have the next best thing – driverless cars. Or so they say. Every car company with a good marketing team or a crazy fan base (you know who I’m talking about) have been claiming they’ll be rolling out fully autonomous […]
Fighting COVID 19 with AI
As WHO declared the coronavirus a global pandemic, and as the US, Italy, and Spain suffering from high mortality rates, almost one-third of the population on the planet is under lockdown. Reports of even animals getting affected by the virus are coming up. Meanwhile, a couple of firms around the world is using their IT […]