Ever since Apple decided to move onto its own chips for their line of Macbooks and Apple Mini, the ARM vs Intel, or rather ARM vs x86 war have intensified. Earlier the two have dominated their respective turfs, ARM playing in the low power smartphone or tablet sector, and x86 in the laptop, desktop and […]
Lesson from a year of remote work
It’s been a year and I-don’t-know-how-many days of remote work.. And it’s been a ride. We don’t know when we’ll be returning to the office, even though vaccine distribution is in full swing. And I still don’t know if I miss the office. I miss the ping-pong. And I miss the coffee. And I miss […]
Everything you need to know about the Thread network
When it comes to connectivity options for IoT devices, there’s no shortage. For long-range there’s LTE, there’s NB-IoT, for short-range there’s Bluetooth, there’s Bluetooth low energy if battery life is a concern. And for high bandwidth short range, there’s WiFi. Thread is a relatively new and unheard-of entry into this mix and attempts to overcome […]
Matter: One true standard to rule them all
it’s not just nerds or early adopters who use smart home devices anymore. Everyone and anyone and their grandma is using Alexa devices in their homes. The average user is confused amid competition from all the smart home ecosystems. Should they get Apple’s Siri? Google’s Assistant? Or Amazon’s Alexa? Will the devices they purchase limit […]
What are some of the must-have developer survival skills
The software development scene has been undergoing rapid changes since its beginning. As new technologies come up, software development has evolved accordingly. The development process is constantly tweaked and optimised to exploit the latest technologies. So in this ever-evolving world how do you survive as a developer? When learning new skills is a permanent part […]