Word Of The Day – 18/9/14

WORD OF THE DAY NICHE(Noun) /niːʃ, nɪtʃ/ Meaning: A shallow recess, especially one in a wall to display a statue or other ornament. A comfortable or suitable position in life or employment. A specialized but profitable segment of the market. Usage: Zeno built a tall wall with about 20 niches for statues of gods and […]

Pelican with github pages

Pelican is a static site generator written in python which allows you to write your content directly using reStructuredText or Markdown. In this blog post, we will discuss how to create and host a static site using pelican and github pages. Installation Lets wrap all our installations inside a separate virtual environment using python virtual environment wrapper. Install […]

Word Of The Day-17/9/14

WORD OF THE DAY TACITURN(Adjective) \ˈta-sə-ˌtərn\ Meaning: Inclined to silence; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversation. Tending to be quiet; not speaking frequently. Usage: My brother is taciturn and rarely speaks in public. On the witness stand, the normally vocal suspect became taciturn and refused to answer the lawyer’s questions. Taciturn people usually […]

Word Of The Day-15/9/14

WORD OF THE DAY TWADDLE Meaning: Noun Silly, trivial, or pretentious talk or writing. Speech or writing that is silly or not true. Verb To talk or write (something) in a silly or pretentious way Usage: She dismissed the findings as utter twaddle. He dismissed the novel as self-indulgent twaddle. We don’t believe that twaddle […]

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