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Smart Maintenance System for UV Lamps: Elevating Water Treatment Experiences 

Our client was at their wits’ end when we met them first. To run a poultry business is to skate on thin ice. Any disease diagnosed at the poultry farm, and you are that cat who sat on the hot bricks. As incompatible as introducing a cat in our chicken story, our client was perplexed with the challenge posed at their farm that was supported by a UV-based disinfection system.  

Here is the backdrop… 

Our client from Denmark owned a farm…E-I-E-I-O 

And on his farm, he had some chickens…. E-I-E-I-O 

And a cluck, cluck here  

And a cluck, cluck there… here cluck, there cluck, everywhere cluck, cluck. 

However, it was when the cluck, cluck weakened that the owner decided to diagnose the reason. The culprit was identified as a UV water disinfection system that facilitated drinking water for the 3000+ poultry. The client noticed visible differences in the collected water, all evidence pointing fingers on the reduced effectiveness of the UV lamp that processed water. But at Nuventure, we never jump to conclusions. So, when we were approached for a solution for automating the maintenance schedule of the UV lamp, we decided to go back to the drawing board.  

We understood that the challenge was a touch-and-go situation because the problem kept recurring during irregular intervals. Though a herculean task, we love happy endings at Nuventure and who doesn’t love chickens? Our timely intervention with the cutting edge IoT-AI integrated technology served the best solution to our struggling partner. Nuventure is a global IoT solutions partner for a reason. So, it was time for us to bell the cat… 

Nuventure’s Smart Maintenance System for UV Lamps 

When customers raised complaints about the diminishing water quality, Nuventure proposed an alteration in the UV lamp maintenance strategy. Our root findings during the case analysis were the following: 

  1. The sand filter used as a prefilter was insufficient to treat the water to the required quality standards. 
  1. The client had not used ion exchange membrane for demineralization 

We conducted a series of water analyses to observe different water compositions. Probing further into the puzzle, we realized that the solution lied within. The varying mineral constitution of the unfiltered water, when ravished over the lamp’s quartz sleeve, mounded minerals on the lamp’s fragile surface. Over time, the deposits on lamps revolted, resulting in lower UV disinfection efficiency to neutralize pathogenic microbes. 

With the cause in hand, our team worked like beavers for a solution. AI-integrated Smart Maintenance System for UV lamps!  

Though UV-based disinfection systems require minimal maintenance when compared to chlorine-based treatment plants, the smallest of anomalies lead to big damages. Therefore, UV-based disinfection systems demand constant and continuous monitoring. Nuventure’s smart maintenance system for UV lamps has in-line monitoring capability that continuously monitors the fluctuating pH and TDS of the water and in turn checks the health of UV lamps. Our state-of-the-art solution collects real-time data using the sensors. With our innovative AI algorithm that considers water quality, we could give our clients insight on the impact of mineralization over the quartz sleeve, thus notifying them on the maintenance requirements. Besides, the collected data is compared with the existing UV lamp lifetime models. Thus, the operator gets access to information on the lamp’s remaining useful life. Any data deviation from expected parameters also indicates the need to replace the UV lamp. They need not burn candles at both ends because of two reasons: One, they dealt with UV lamps and not candles. Two, they were supported by Nuventure, one of the top IoT solutions partners, who offers targeted solutions at affordable prices.  

The potential of AI-integrated IoT data collected from the UV lamp-inbuilt sensors is incredible. The following features helped our client regain their lost glory and smile: 

The powerful combination enhanced the adaptability of the UV disinfectant system. The IoT sensors don’t fail to capture minute parameter fluctuations, activating the AI-algorithm to take automative remedial measures to manage the water treatment system. Yes, the self-sustaining potential of UV disinfectant system made it a smart solution. Besides, the AI induced feature of storing historic data helps in the accurate detection of abnormalities in case of variations. 

The data generated from the sensor is analyzed to detect potential operational deficiencies of the UV lamp. Any abnormalities sensed will trigger notification of potential defect in the UV lamp. Timely repairs and rational intervention are always better than pre-scheduled maintenance and late repairs. Thus, the possibility of lamp life wastage is minimalized to zero. Isn’t our IoT data-based solution pro-active? Prevention is better than regret.  

Early detection followed by timely maintenance drastically reduced the UV disinfectant system’s downtime period. Since the cycle of water treatment is hardly affected, the system is always alive, boosting productivity of the UV disinfectant system. More productivity welcomes more profit. Lower maintenance costs and higher profit. Our client is on cloud nine. 

UV lamps are well known for their capability of destroying up to 99.99% reduction in harmful microorganisms, including chlorine-resistant pathogens such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia. Collaborating with Nuventure’s smart maintenance system, the efficiency of our client’s UV disinfectant system doubled because there was never a delay in replacing dead UV lamps thereafter. 

       Rapid treatment potential of UV lamp + consistent maintenance by Nuventure’s smart solution = crystal clear water for the chickens. 

How Our Smart Solution Made Our Client’s Asset Smarter? 

We offered more! IoT devices call for cautious treatment of client data, especially when complicated AI models are integrated within the infrastructure. The connected devices generate, transmit and process huge data every second. Nuventure’s recognition as the best IoT solutions partner who offers safest technology solutions was officially recognized with the magnificent cybersecurity certifications we achieved. The ISO 27001:2002 and SOC 2 certifications ensured that our clients’ data is in the safest of hands. Thus, our client was also given a lifelong promise of safe data management.  

Yes, by elevating the infrastructure of their UV-disinfection system and by officially assuring data security, we gave them the best of both the worlds. Long story short, by embracing innovation, collaboration, and sustainability, our client mastered the challenge effortlessly. “Who will bell the cat?” now remains a rhetorical question. 

If maintenance or upgradation of water treatment facility is your nightmare, Nuventure’s world class IoT solutions, supported by AI, is your life buoy. Your challenge is our opportunity to leverage the power of IoT for supreme solutions. We believe in the magic of connections. Connect with us. 

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